Cheer Cards

Send a free personalized greeting to a patient!

You can send a cheer card to the hospital to be printed and delivered to a Mary Greeley patient's room, or send directly to the patient's email.

Cards received after 3:00 p.m. will be delivered the next day. Cards received on weekends or holidays will be delivered the next business day. Cards will not be delivered to a patient after discharge. 

PLEASE NOTE: Messages should not contain any private or confidential information. We maintain the right not to deliver messages that contain inappropriate subject matter.

 Cheer Cards - Easy as 1-2-3!

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Send a Gift

Looking for something special for a loved one at Mary Greeley? Our gift shop has many comforting items available, including fresh flowers, balloons, and stuffed animals.

Call us at 515-239-2190 to place an order.

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